About Analytics
Here we describe common points regarding Apphud analytics platform.
User's First Seen Date
The User's First Seen Date represents the earliest recorded activity date for a user. This date is determined as the earliest among the Current Installation Date, First Launch Date, and First Purchase Date. If a user reinstalls the app, the Current Installation Date will be more recent than the First Launch Date. For existing live apps that integrate the Apphud SDK, the initial installation date may not be determinable due to app updates resetting this information; in such cases, the First Purchase Date may be considered as the First Seen Date.
The User's First Seen Date serves as the baseline for most charts within Apphud, like ARPU, Cohorts, LTV, etc.
Value Added Tax Deduction
Value-Added Tax (VAT) is deducted from the Proceeds metric for both iOS and Android apps. This deduction impacts analytics, integrations, server-to-server webhooks, and other services that utilize the Proceeds metric.
Example: For a sale priced at GBP 3.99 with a store commission of 15%, the proceeds amount to GBP 2.82.
Charge Date
iTunes and Google Play accounts are charged for subscription renewals within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period. This charging practice is reflected in Apphud's Revenue Charts, including Sales and Proceeds charts for iOS and Android apps, which display revenue based on the transaction charge date rather than the subscription renewal date.
Example: If a subscription period ends on July 7, the transaction may be charged on July 6. Accordingly, the sales chart will display revenue for July 6.
More Details
Read more details regarding Charts here.
Updated 8 months ago