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Configure Web Products


Configuring products for web funnels involves several steps:

  1. Set up products in your web payment provider's dashboard.
  2. Add products in Product Hub.
  3. Configure a web paywall.
  4. Set up a web placement.

Before You Begin

Ensure the following prerequisites are complete before working with products in Flows:

  • You have connected your Stripe or Paddle accounts via the Web Payments page.
  • All relevant products have been added in their respective dashboards. Refer to our guides for Stripe and Paddle.

Adding Products in Product Hub

Adding New Products

  1. Navigate to the Product Hub.
  2. Click Add Product under the desired product group.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Product Name
    • Product ID and Price ID (as defined in Stripe or Paddle).
  4. Click Save.

Add Product Example

Adding Products from the Uncategorized Section

If a product is in the Uncategorized section:

  1. Click on the product.
  2. Select Move to Product Group.
  3. Configure the identifiers as follows:
    • Enter Product ID and Price ID.
  4. Click Save.

Configuring a Web Paywall

Step 1: Create a Web Paywall

  1. Go to the Web Paywalls page.
  2. Click Create Paywall.
  3. Provide a Paywall Name and Identifier, then click Save.

Create Web Paywall Example

Step 2: Add Products to the Paywall

  1. After creating the paywall, click the Pencil icon to edit.
  2. In the paywall editor, click Add Product.

Add Products to Paywall

  1. Use the interface to:
    • Add products.
    • Delete products.
    • Change their order.

For further details, refer to the Paywalls Guide.

Setting Up a Web Placement

Step 1: Create a Web Placement

  1. Navigate to the Web Placements page.
  2. Click Create Placement.
  3. Enter a Placement Name and Identifier, then click Save.

Create Web Placement Example

Step 2. Set up paywall target audience.

Select a paywall configured from the previous step for this placement. You can set an audience segment for each paywall in the placement. For additional information, see the Placements Guide.

Setting Up Product Macros


Macros allow developers to set static values for each product. These values are automatically fetched by a Framer component and applied to the funnel’s paywall, replacing corresponding placeholders.


If you set the full-price macro to "$9.99", this value will appear in the relevant paywall label.

Current Limitations

  • Only static macros are supported (dynamic macros are not available yet).

Available Macros

Macro NameDescriptionExample
full-priceDisplays the full price.$9.99
new-priceDisplays the discounted price.$2.99
old-priceDisplays the previous (strikethrough) price.$4.99
discountShows the discount percentage.30%
durationDisplays the subscription duration.month
custom-1Custom label for additional messaging.Sale
custom-2Additional custom label.Limited Time
custom-3Additional custom label.Exclusive

Using Sandbox and Production Environments Simultaneously

You can configure a web placement to include both sandbox and production web products, making it easier to test your website while it is live in production.

Steps to Set Up:

  1. Create Test and Production Products
    Navigate to the Products section in Product Hub and create separate test and production products.

  2. Set Up Paywalls
    Create two paywalls:

    • One containing only test products.
    • Another containing only production products.
      You can use any identifier for the paywalls.
  3. Configure Placement with Paywalls
    Add the two paywalls to your placement:

    • Place the paywall with test products at the top.
    • Place the paywall with production products below it.
  4. Set Paywall Audiences
    Assign audiences to the paywalls:

    • For the top paywall (test products), select the Sandbox Users audience.
    • For the bottom paywall (production products), select the All users audience.
    • Enable both paywalls.
  5. Update Website Body Script
    Replace the Apphud.init method with the following script:

    const debugParam = new URLSearchParams('debug') === 'true';
    // Initialize SDK with debug parameter from query parameters
        apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
        version: "1.0",
        debug: debugParam
  6. Testing

    • Test your website by appending debug=true to the URL:
  7. Once debug: true parameter is passed to the Apphud SDK's init method, the current web user will match to the Sandbox Users audience, and a test paywall will be returned.

  8. Important Note

    • To easily identify when you're viewing the test paywall, modify product details in one of the following ways:
      • Adjust macros for test products to display distinct prices or custom symbols.
      • Use different prices for test and production products.

This setup ensures seamless testing and clear differentiation between test and production environments.

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