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This guide describes all available charts.

With Apphud, you can view key subscription and in-app purchase metrics to make data-driven decisions. Apphud's powerful filters and segments provide a comprehensive view of your app's subscription business.


Only Production Data

Apphud displays only data from production purchases in Charts and the Dashboard.


Some charts are accessible to all Apphud users, while others are exclusive to those with paid plans, offering advanced analytics and functionality for deeper insights.

Basic charts available to all users include:

  • MRR
  • Sales
  • Gross
  • Proceeds
  • Refunds
  • All Events Charts

All other charts are available on paid plans.

Data Freshness

Certain charts update their data almost in real-time, with a delay of less than 15 minutes from the renewal event being tracked by Apphud:

  • All Revenue Charts: Sales, Proceeds, Refunds, Refund Rate
  • Cohort Proceeds
  • MRR / ARR
  • MRR / ARR Movement

Other charts update less frequently, approx. in 1 hour.

New Users

Updated within 1 hour.

Charts Dependent on User Counts

Charts that depend on the number of users are also updated within 1 hour. These charts include ARPU, ARPPU, ARPAS, Conversion charts, etc.


Subscriber Retention and Net Revenue Retention are updated daily.

Active Trials & Active Paid Subscriptions

These charts are updated shortly after Apphud receives new information about a user's purchases and auto-renewal subscription status changes, reflecting near real-time data. For example, if a trial expires during the day, it will be promptly removed from the active count, keeping the chart current throughout the day.


Predictions data is refreshed daily at 0:00 UTC. If the latest data is not visible, please check back later.

User's First Seen Date (App Installation Date)

The User's First Seen Date is the earliest recorded activity date for a user, determined as the earliest among the Current Installation Date, First Launch Date, and First Purchase Date. If a user reinstalls the app, the Current Installation Date will be more recent than the First Launch Date. For existing live apps integrating the Apphud SDK, the initial installation date may not be determinable due to app updates resetting this information; in such cases, the First Purchase Date may be considered the First Seen Date.

The User's First Seen Date serves as the baseline for most charts within Apphud, such as ARPU, Cohorts, LTV, etc.

Value-Added Taxes

Value-Added Tax (VAT) is deducted from the Proceeds metric for both iOS and Android apps. This deduction impacts analytics, integrations, server-to-server webhooks, and other services utilizing the Proceeds metric.

Example: For a sale priced at GBP 3.99 with a store commission of 15%, the proceeds amount to GBP 2.82.

Charge Date

iTunes and Google Play accounts are charged for subscription renewals within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period. This charging practice is reflected in Apphud's Revenue Charts, including Sales and Proceeds charts for iOS and Android apps, which display revenue based on the transaction charge date rather than the subscription renewal date.

Example: If a subscription period ends on July 7, the transaction may be charged on July 6. Accordingly, the sales chart will display revenue for July 6.

Filters and Segments

Various filters and segments are available for the charts, varying depending on the chart.

  • Country By IP: The user's country based on IP address, with fallback to the device's region if the country cannot be detected from the IP.
  • Store Country: The user's app store country.
  • Product: The subscription or In-App Purchase product. Available only on purchase-based charts. Not available in ARPU chart, and charts based on ARPU, i.e., Cumulative LTV with calculation using ARPU.
  • Promo Offer: The subscription's promotional offer identifier.
  • Base Plan: Available on Android only. Subscription's Base Plan Identifier.
  • Rule: Rule name, if using the Rules feature.
  • Paywall: Paywall name.
  • Placement: Placement name.
  • In-App Purchase Type: Available on some purchase-based charts. Indicates whether the purchase is an autorenewable subscription or non-renewable purchase.
  • Revenue Type: Available on some purchase-based charts. Indicates the type of transaction: new, renewal, or refund.
  • Platform: App Platform.
  • Install Source: Allows analysis by subscription origin; available for initial installs since Dec 1, 2024. Options include: app_store, play_store, xiaomi, web (Stripe & Paddle subscriptions outside Apphud flow), web2web (Stripe & Paddle subscriptions within Apphud flow)
  • Install Source Identifier: Shows name of web2web funnel for Stripe & Paddle subscriptions within Apphud flow; available for initial installs since Dec 1, 2024. Data that correspond to other install sources are shown under options: App Store, Google Play, Xiaomi, and Web.
  • Device Model: Device model name.
  • OS Version: OS Version, e.g., 17.1.5.
  • Major OS Version: Major version, e.g., 17.
  • App Version: Current App Version, extracted from the versionName field on Android or CFBundleShortVersionString on iOS.
  • Start App Version: The version of the app tracked when the user first launched the app with the Apphud SDK included in the binary.
  • SDK Version: Current SDK version.
  • Gender: User gender, if submitted via user properties.
  • Age: User age, if submitted via user properties.
  • Custom User Properties. Apphud can show segments and filters based on your custom user properties. Note that this feature is available only on Expert plan or higher.
  • First Product. When segmented by First product the chart counts all renewals to the original product nevertheless users changed subscriptions or not.

Attribution Segments

Attribution segments are available if the corresponding integration has been set up: AppsFlyer, Branch, Adjust, Apple Search Ads, etc.

Apphud collects user-level attribution data from the SDK or Webhooks (Branch or Tenjin). If user-level data is not available for a particular user or violates privacy policies, it will not be displayed.

Note that Apphud displays only the attribution data received from the Attribution Provider. For example, if AppsFlyer does not share Facebook attribution on the user level, Apphud will not be able to show it.

Attribution data is categorized into two distinct segment groups:

Each group has the identical set of segments to which attributes are mapped according to the rules described below.

To make analysis more efficient, you can filter attribution data in each group based on:

  • Status – Analyze attributed vs. unattributed users.
  • Provider – Differentiate between Apphud-tracked and MMP-tracked users.
  • Ad Network – Focus on non-organic traffic sources.


Important Note

Starting from iOS SDK 3.6.0+ and Android SDK 2.9.0+, developers can now override attribution and pass custom attribution data from any source:

  • Flexible Attribution Management – You can override the default attribution logic and define attribution rules based on your needs.
  • Custom Attribution Support – You can pass attribution data from any external source (e.g., internal analytics, custom tracking solutions, or third-party attribution providers).

Apphud Attribution segments mapping

These segments/filters reflect attribution received from Web-to-App, Web-to-Web (Flows) and Apple Search Ads Integrations.

  • Ad Network = Auto detection for Meta Ads, TikTok & Google Ads, (none) for others
  • Channel = utm_source / partner / source / pid
  • Campaign = utm_campaign / campaign / c
  • Ad Set = utm_content / adset_name / adset / adgroup / adgroup_name / af_adset
  • Creative = ad_name / af_ad / ad_name / ad_id / adname / ad
  • Keyword = keyword / utm_term / af_keywords

MMP Attribution segments mapping

These segments/filters reflect attribution received from AppsFlyer, Branch, Adjust, Singular, Tenjin, Voluum, Custom, etc.


  • Ad Network = media_source
  • Channel = af_channel
  • Campaign = campaign
  • Ad Set = af_adset / af_adset_id
  • Creative = af_ad / af_ad_id
  • Keyword = af_keywords


  • Ad Network = ~advertising_partner_name
  • Channel = af_channel
  • Campaign = '~campaign' / '~campaign_id’
  • Ad Set = ~ad_set_name / ~ad_set_id
  • Creative = ~creative_name' / '~ad_name' / '~creative_id' / '~ad_id’
  • Keyword = ~keyword_text
  • Custom1 = ~secondary_publisher


  • Ad Network = network
  • Channel = trackerName
  • Campaign = campaign
  • Ad Set = adgroup
  • Creative = creative


  • Ad Network = (none)
  • Channel = channel / tracker_publisher_site_name / tracker_publisher_site_id / psid / paffid
  • Campaign = campaign / campaign_name / tracker_campaign_name / tracker_campaign_id
  • Creative = creative / tracker_creative_name / ad_group / tracker_creative_id
  • Ad Set = ad_set / tracker_sub_campaign_name / campaign_group / tracker_sub_campaign_id


  • Ad Network = ad_network
  • Channel = site_id
  • Campaign = campaign_name

View By

This option indicates the minimum point in the chart - day, week, month, or quarter.

If "View by week" is selected, the chart will display data grouped by weeks, with each point in the chart representing one week.