Profile Settings
The Profile Settings section allows you to manage your personal account details, Apphud subscription plan, and referral program participation.
Profile Settings is accessible by clicking on your avatar in the upper-right corner of any Apphud cabinet page.
The Profile Settings section is organized into three tabs:
- General: Update your personal information, email address, and password.
- Plan and Billing:Review and manage your subscription plan, check your metered MTR and invoicing history and update payment information.
- Referrals: Access and share your unique referral link to invite new users and earn rewards.
General Tab
The General tab allows you to manage your Personal Information , used within the Apphud cabinet and for invoicing:
First Name & Last Name: You can update the name associated with your Apphud account.
Email: You can update the email address associated with your account. Note that changing your email requires confirmation via a verification email. Once you update your email and Save settings, "[Action Required] Please confirm your email" will be sent to the new address.
On this tab, you can also set a new password by entering your new one in the corresponding fields of Change Password: section. Ensure your password contains at least 8 characters, including uppercase letters and numbers.

Plan and Billing Tab
The Plan and Billing tab provides an overview of your current subscription and usage.
Current Plan
The section contains information about your Apphud plan and subscription period, such as:
Current Plan Name: your plan name;
Current billing period: start and end date of the current billing period;
MTR included in plan: Monthly Tracked Revenue (MTR) that is included in your plan price;
Revenue tracked for this billing period: actual MTR tracked by now for the current period;
Overaged MTR this billing period: MTR tracked beyond the amount included in your plan price;
Refunds won back this billing period: Revenue saved via Win-Back Refunds feature if it is enabled.
Under Overaged MTR you can see the list of all your applications registered in Apphud with the relevant MTR for the current billing period.
Payment Method
In this section, you can check the current payment method used for your Apphud Subscription, e.g. "visa ending in 6094" and update it when needed:
Update Payment Method: Update or add your preferred payment method, e.g. when your card is about to expire to ensure uninterrupted access to Apphud services.
Update Billing Info: Update your billing details here such as Company name, Address, etc.

In this section, you can get all the needed details regarding your past and upcoming charges for your subscription.
Next invoice estimation: will show the estimated by now amount in USD specifying how it is composed by providing "Fixed fee: ", "Overaged MTR fee", plus Add-On features fees payment calculation, if such features are enabled, along with the date of the upcoming invoice in "You will be charged on".
Here you can also see the list of all historical Invoices for the previous billing periods and previous subscription episodes and Download an invoice or a Receipt.
Changing Your Plan
You can change your subscription plan at any time by clicking the Change Plan button. You'll see the window with subscription plans available and your "Current plan" marked.
You can study the list of features available for each plan on your own, or request a consultation with Support to pick up an optimal plan for you.
Referrals Tab
This tab allows you to take part in the Apphud Referral Program - invite others to Apphud and get entitled to Referral Bonus.
There are two ways to invite referrals:
Copy your personal referral link and share it with friends or colleagues.
Invite others via email by entering their email addresses in the provided field and clicking Invite.

Updated about 1 month ago