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ETL Exports



ETL Exports are available on "Expert" and "Enterprise" plans.

Export transaction data on daily basis to your Cloud Storage Provider. Data is being uploaded as gzip compressed .csv file.

Data Format

Column NameNullable?Description
idNoUnique identifier for the event
created_atNoDate and time the event was created in Apphud
updated_atNoDate and time the event was last updated in Apphud
event_nameNoName of the event (e.g., trial_started)
purchased_atNoDate and time the purchase occurred
expires_atYesExpiration date for auto-renewable subscriptions
cancelled_atYesDate of refund
original_transaction_idNoOriginal Transaction ID (also known as the purchase token in the Play Store)
transaction_idNoTransaction ID (Order ID on Android)
price_usdNoTransaction price in USD
priceNoTransaction price in the local currency
proceeds_usdNoProceeds (revenue) amount in USD
proceedsNoProceeds (revenue) amount in the local currency
quantityNoQuantity of items purchased (always 1)
commissionNoCommission amount (0.30 or 0.15)
product_idNoProduct identifier
trial_periodNoIndicates whether the transaction is for a free trial
intro_periodNoIndicates whether the transaction is within the introductory period
is_upgradedNoIndicates whether the subscription was upgraded (true/false)
family_sharedNoIndicates if current transaction belongs to a family shared subscription (is free)
subscription_typeNoType of subscription: auto-renewable or non-renewable
environmentNoEnvironment of the transaction: production or sandbox
user_idNoPublic user identifier
internal_user_idNoInternal user identifier
currencyNoCurrency code
store_countryNoPurchase store country code (e.g., US)
storeNoApp store where the purchase was made (e.g., app_store or play_store)
install_dateNoLatest app install date
subscription_lengthNoLength of the subscription period (e.g. 1W, 1M, 3M, etc.)
trial_lengthYesLength of the free trial period (e.g. 3D, 7D, 1W, etc.)

Let me know if any further refinements are needed!

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