Cumulative CLV
The Cumulative CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) is a cohort chart that indicates cumulative revenue based on the customer's first purchase date and the ARPPU metric.
In this chart, revenue reflects Proceeds, which are calculated after deducting refunds, store commissions, and VAT.
Cohort Period
The max cohort period, can be 30, 180, 365 or custom value in days. For example, if 180 days were selected, the chart will show data up to 180 days. If custom value of 999 days were selected, the chart will show data up to 999 days.
Segment by Product
If segment by Product is selected, the chart counts all renewals, taking into account the number of users that were in the cohort when the first paid transaction occurred.If a user changed the subscription within the selected cohort period (e.g., on Day 20), it still counts the original number of users in Product1, and it will increase the number of users in Product2 starting from Day 20.
Segment by First Product
When segmented by First Product, it counts all subscription renewals to the original product regardless of whether users changed subscriptions or not.
Updated 5 months ago