Connect Custom Funnel
This guide describes how to use our Web Library to connect existing website to a Flow
To connect an existing funnel, you'll need to integrate the Apphud Web Library and call specific methods to initialize the SDK, collect attribution data, track events, and more.
Initializing the SDK
To start using the Apphud SDK, include the SDK JavaScript file in your project. You can either download the SDK or include it via a <script>
tag. Find the latest SDK version in our Github releases page.
<script src=""></script>
Collecting Attribution Data
If you're running advertising campaigns, collecting attribution data is essential (e.g., fetching Click IDs, which vary across different platforms). Apphud will use these Click IDs to post back subscription events to the relevant advertising network, ensuring accurate attribution and reporting. Follow our Configure Flow Attribution guide for details.
SDK Reference
Refer to our SDK documentation for detailed instructions. Common use cases include:
- Tracking Events
- Loading Placements
- Fetching Product Information
- Displaying a Payment Form
- Listening for Payment Callbacks
- Redirecting to a Success URL
For a comprehensive guide to SDK usage, visit our GitHub documentation.
Updated 4 days ago