App Store Small Business Program
Reduced Apple commission rate support in Apphud
The program
Apple launched the App Store Small Business Program in 2021 with the goal of reducing Apple's commission of App Store sales for small businesses from 30% to 15%.
Generally speaking, developers who earn less than $1 million in App Store revenue (in Proceeds) per year can apply. You can read more about the program here.
The reduced rate will affect the data in Apphud's analytics as well as the integration events we send to you. So, it's crucial to let us know about membership in the Small Business Program in your iOS app settings.
If you’re already a member of the Apple Developer Program and submit your enrollment for the App Store Small Business Program, your proceeds will be adjusted 15 days after the end of the fiscal calendar month in which your enrollment is approved.
How to apply?
To apply for the App Store Small Business Program, browse the Apple Developer website. To enroll, you’ll need to be the Account Holder in the Apple Developer Program, review and accept the latest Paid Apps agreement in App Store Connect, and if applicable, list all of your Associated Developer Accounts.
After you've read the terms of the program, click Enroll now. Apple will request a sign-in to your Apple Developer account, and will automatically fill in information like your name, email, and Team ID.
Once you enroll, you will receive an email confirming that your registration is being reviewed.
Letting us know
To acknowledge Apphud about your participation in the program select an Entry date in the app's settings.
Since a developer could have multiple apps from different companies in their Apphud account, the Small Business Program membership status is set on a per-app basis.
Review your iOS app settings in the Apphud's Settings and you will find the Apple Small Business Program section at the bottom of the page.
You will not be able to set Entry date to a date in the past. We do not re-send webhooks and integration events for transactions that have already occurred. To ensure the correct data is sent to your integrations, set your effective entry date as soon as possible.
Leaving Apple Small Business Program
If you left the program, you must add an exit date to your iOS app settings as soon as possible, otherwise, we will continue calculating your sales with the reduced commission.
Apple notifies participating developers if they surpass the $1 million threshold in the current calendar year, informing them that the standard commission rate will apply to future sales. It's essential to monitor such notifications and, once received, immediately update your Apphud Settings, specifying the Apple Small Business program Exit Date.
You will not be able to set Exit date to a date in the past. We do not re-send webhooks and integration events for transactions that have already occurred. To ensure the correct data is sent to your integrations, set your effective Exit date as soon as possible.
Updated 5 months ago