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Free Trials Performance


Free Trials Performance report provides a comprehensive overview of user engagement and conversion performance metrics related to app downloads, free trials, and billing recovery.


This report is designed to help you understand how effectively free trials convert into a paid subscription after encountering a billing issue across various products and countries.

It also tracks user behavior from the moment they install or reinstall the app through the trial and subscription lifecycle, offering insight into the following areas:

  • User Acquisition & Trial Engagement: Metrics such as New Users, Redownloads provide insight into app installs, while Free Trials, Day 0 Trials, Session 0 Trials and Re-engagement Trials help evaluate how effective the app is in encouraging users to start a free trial.
  • Trial and Subscription Conversions: The report tracks the number and rate of free trials converting into paid subscriptions through metrics like Total Trial Conversions and Install-to-Conversion Rate. It also provides detailed breakdowns of when and how trials convert, whether they are On-time Conversions or those recovered from Billing Issues.
  • Billing and Retention Issues: Detailed tracking of Billing Issues and their recovery rates allows for monitoring how well the app recovers users from payment failures and subscription interruptions, highlighting key pain points in retention.
  • Cancellations & User Behavior: The report includes metrics like User Initiated Cancellations, Average Time to User Cancellation which provide insights into how fast users churn. This might be useful for marketing optimizations.

Date Range

Data for this report is available starting from August 10, 2024.

The selected date range in this report applies to the following metrics:

  • New Users
  • Redownloads
  • Total Downloads

Other cohort metrics are not limited by the selected date range and depend on users who installed or re-installed the app within the selected dates.


This report supports both iOS and Android platforms. However, certain metrics like "Converted with Promo Offer" and "Converted with Different Product" are not available on Android due to technical limitations.


Report provides a large set of 33 metrics, the visibility of each metric can be toggled in the metrics list.

New Users

The number of new users who installed the app within the selected dates.


The number of app reinstalls within the selected dates.



Reinstalls tracking is supported on iOS SDK 3.0.1 or higher, Android SDK 2.5.0 or higher, and other cross-platform SDKs that depend on these native SDK versions or higher.

Total Downloads

The combined number of new users and app reinstalls within the selected dates.

Free Trials

The total number of introductory free trials purchased by new users or those who re-downloaded the app within the selected dates.
This is a cohort metric, meaning the trial start time is not limited by the selected dates.

Day 0 Trials

The number of introductory free trials that were purchased within 24 hours of the initial install.
This is a cohort metric, meaning the trial start time is not limited by the selected dates.
Note that this metric is based on user's initial install date, not the user's first launch date.


Use Case

Determine how quickly users subscribe for a free trial after downloading the app, useful for your marketing strategies.

Session 0 Trials

The estimated number of introductory free trials that were purchased during the first session (within 30 minutes of the initial launch).
This is a cohort metric, meaning the trial start time is not limited by the selected dates.
This metric is estimated, meaning actual sessions are not tracked and it is being calculated by counting trial purchases made within the first 30 minutes of the initial launch.

Note that this metric is based on user's first launch date, not the user's initial install date.


Use Case

Determine how quickly users subscribe for a free trial, useful for your marketing strategies. First impressions of the app are crucial for user acquisition, and this insight can help optimize your onboarding process.

Re-engagement Trials

The number of introductory free trials that were purchased after re-downloading the app.
This is a cohort metric, meaning the trial start time is not limited by the selected dates.


Use Case

Understand how re-engagement marketing strategies influence users who reinstalled the app to start a free trial. These insights can help optimize your re-engagement flow for better results.

Active Trials

The number of free trials that are still active, meaning the subscription’s auto-renew is on.
Note: successful charges before the actual trial period end are counted as paid and excluded from Active Trials; free trials with disabled auto-renew are also excluded from Active Trials.

Total Trial Conversions

The total number of trial conversions, regardless of the date range and potential future refunds, including on-time and billing issue-related conversions.

Total Trial-to-Conversion Rate (%)

The percentage of total trial conversions out of the total number of free trials.

Install-to-Conversion Rate (%)

The percentage of total trial conversions out of the total number of initial installs, i.e. new users.

Download-to-Conversion Rate (%)

The percentage of total trial conversions out of the total number of downloads.

On-Time Conversions

The number of free trials that converted on time, i.e., before or at the end of the trial period, regardless of potential future refunds.
Google Play trial conversions from a paused state are also included.

On-Time Conversion Rate (%)

The percentage of free trials converted on time, calculated from the total number of conversion attempts, which includes both On-Time Conversions and Billing Issues.
In other words, On-Time Conversion Rate = On-Time Conversions / (On-Time Conversions + Billing Issues)


Use Case

Understand how well the subscription price fits a specific user audience. On-time conversion rates may vary based on the product price and country. A higher On-Time Conversion Rate corresponds to a lower Billing Issue Rate, reflecting better alignment between pricing and user affordability.

Billing Issues

The total number of failed trial conversions due to billing issues.
Note that billing issue event is unique per subscription period and does not reflect the actual number of bank charge attempts.

Billing Issue Rate (%)

The percentage of billing issues out of the total number of free trials.


Use Case

Understand how bad the subscription price fits a specific user audience. Billing Issue rates may vary based on the product price and country. A higher Billing Issue Rate corresponds to a lower On-Time Conversion Rate, reflecting worse alignment between pricing and user affordability.

Recovered Conversions

The number of trials converted from Grace Period or Billing Retry states, regardless of potential future refunds.
The value may change if there are Pending Billing Issues.

Billing Recovery Rate (%)

The percentage of all trials converted from Grace Period or Billing Retry states out of total billing issues.
The value may change if there are Pending Billing Issues.


Use Case

Understand how effectively subscriptions recover after encountering a billing issue. This can help estimate potential revenue from recovered subscriptions. Billing recovery rates may vary by product price and country, with a higher recovery rate indicating better alignment between pricing and user affordability.

Recovered from Grace Period

The number of free trials converted from Grace Period, regardless of the timing and potential future refunds.
This also creates a Billing Issue Resolved event.

Grace Period Recovery Rate (%)

The percentage of free trials recovered from Grace Period out of total billing issues.

Recovered from Billing Retry

The number of free trials converted from Billing Retry, regardless of the timing and potential future refunds.
This also creates a Billing Issue Resolved event.

Billing Retry Recovery Rate (%)

The percentage of trials recovered from Billing Retry out of total billing issues.

Pending Billing Issues

The number of Billing Issues that remain pending.
This represents trial subscriptions that are currently in a Grace Period or Billing Retry state with auto-renew status still active.

Converted with Promo Offer

The number of free trials converted using a paid Promo Offer, regardless of the timing and potential future refunds.
This metric is currently available on iOS only.


Use Case

Analyze how effectively promotional offers are used to recover failed subscription renewals. The success of this metric is very dependent on the specific offer, with better offers leading to a higher conversions.

Converted with Different Product

The number of free trials converted to a different product than initially subscribed to, regardless of the timing and potential future refunds.
This metric is currently available on iOS only.


Use Case

Analyze how frequently users change their subscription plan in iOS settings when facing billing issues.
Users typically cancel their subscriptions in iOS settings during billing issues; however, some switch to a cheaper plan, like from yearly to monthly, or to a better value plan, like from weekly to yearly.

As a result, this metric can be interpreted as the number of successful win-backs among users who initially intended to cancel their subscription.

Total Cancellations

The total number of free trial cancellations, including user-initiated cancellations, system-initiated cancellations, and reversed cancellations due to user re-subscription.

Trial cancellation events of users who canceled their free trial but later re-enabled it are counted in this metric.

User Initiated Cancellations

The number of free trial cancellations initiated by users before the end of the trial period, ignoring reversed cancellations due to user re-subscription.

Trial cancellation events of users who canceled their free trial but later re-enabled it are not counted in this metric.


Use Case

Analyze how often users manually cancel their free trials before the trial period expires. Only the last cancellation event per canceled free trial is counted.

Canceled from Billing Issues

The total number of trial cancellations during any Billing Issue state, meaning the subscription’s auto-renew was turned off by either the system or the user during a Grace Period or Billing Retry states.
The value may change if there are Pending Billing Issues.


Use Case

Understand amount of billing issues that failed to recover. This can help estimate potential revenue from recovered subscriptions.

Canceled from Grace Period

The number of trial cancellations during a Grace Period state. Most likely the subscription’s auto-renew was turned off by the user.
The value may change if there are Pending Billing Issues.

Canceled from Billing Retry

The number of trial cancellations during a Billing Retry state. The subscription’s auto-renew was turned off by either the system or the user.
The value may change if there are Pending Billing Issues.

Average Time to User Cancellation

The average time between free trial start and its user initiated cancellation, in hours.
Computes the average time in hours from trial start to user initiated cancellation.

50th Percentile (Median) Time to User Cancellation

The 50th percentile (median) time between the start of a free trial and user-initiated cancellation, measured in hours. This value represents the point at which 50% of trial cancellations occur.


Use Case

Gain insights into how quickly half of your user base cancels their trial subscriptions. For subscriptions still active after 1 hour, a trial active event is generated.

The trial active event can be used to optimize marketing campaigns targeted at users who don't cancel their subscriptions too quickly. Learn more.

You can customize the time delay for generating the trial active event for trial subscriptions based on this report. The default delay is set to 1 hour. To adjust the trial active event timing, please contact our support team.

70th Percentile Time to User Cancellation

The 70th percentile time between trial start and its user initiated cancellation, in hours.
This is the value below which 70% of trial cancellations fall.


There are plenty of segments and filters available, howerer most useful segments are "Product" and "Store Country".

Note that "Created at.. " segment is applied to the renewal attempts, not to the user creation date.