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Script Install

This page describes how to install Apphud JS Script to your own landing page.



Use this guide only if you have your own landing page.
For landing pages created in Apphud Landing Page Editor, follow this guide.


  1. Install Facebook Meta Pixel to your Landing Page as usual.
  2. Remove the following lines from your landing page's Facebook Pixel code because we will add them later with Apphud Pixel JS Code:
fbq('init', '{your-pixel-id-goes-here}');
fbq('track', 'PageView');
  1. Go to Facebook Ads (Conversions API) integration page and copy the entire JS script and add it to your landing page after Facebook Pixel code.
  1. Verify Installation. Here is a full example of scripts on your landing page. You should not add this script directly to your page, because it contains different identifiers:
<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
      !(function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
        if (f.fbq) return;
        n = f.fbq = function () {
            ? n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments)
            : n.queue.push(arguments);
        if (!f._fbq) f._fbq = n;
        n.push = n;
        n.loaded = !0;
        n.version = "2.0";
        n.queue = [];
        t = b.createElement(e);
        t.async = !0;
        t.src = v;
        s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];
        s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s);
      <img height="1" width="1" style="display: none" src="{your-pixel-id-goes-here}&ev=PageView&noscript=1" />
    <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

    <script type="text/javascript">
  (function (a, p, _p, h, u, d) {
    u = a.aph = function () {
        ? u.callMethod.apply(u, arguments)
        : u.queue.push(arguments);
    u.loaded = 1;
    u.version = "1.0";
    u.queue = [];
    (d = p.createElement(_p)),
      (y = p.getElementsByTagName(_p)[0]),
      (d.async = 1),
      (d.src = h),
      y.parentNode.insertBefore(d, y);
  })(window, document, "script", "");
  aph("init", "f127c4c1-f15e-4b19-9dad-12356e8f6ef9");
  aph("fb", "{your-pixel-id-goes-here}");


  1. Remove the following lines from your landing page's TikTok Pixel code because we will add them later with Apphud Pixel JS Code:

  2. Go to TikTok Events API integration page and copy the entire JS script and add it to your landing page after TikTok Pixel code.

  1. Verify Installation. Here is a full example of scripts on your landing page. You should not add this script directly to your page, because it contains different identifiers:
!function (w, d, t) {
  w.TiktokAnalyticsObject=t;var ttq=w[t]=w[t]||[];ttq.methods=["page","track","identify","instances","debug","on","off","once","ready","alias","group","enableCookie","disableCookie"],ttq.setAndDefer=function(t,e){t[e]=function(){t.push([e].concat(,0)))}};for(var i=0;i<ttq.methods.length;i++)ttq.setAndDefer(ttq,ttq.methods[i]);ttq.instance=function(t){for(var e=ttq._i[t]||[],n=0;n<ttq.methods.length;n++)ttq.setAndDefer(e,ttq.methods[n]);return e},ttq.load=function(e,n){var i="";ttq._i=ttq._i||{},ttq._i[e]=[],ttq._i[e]._u=i,ttq._t=ttq._t||{},ttq._t[e]=+new Date,ttq._o=ttq._o||{},ttq._o[e]=n||{};var o=document.createElement("script");o.type="text/javascript",o.async=!0,o.src=i+"?sdkid="+e+"&lib="+t;var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(o,a)};
}(window, document, 'ttq');

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function (a, p, _p, h, u, d) {
    u = a.aph = function () {
        ? u.callMethod.apply(u, arguments)
        : u.queue.push(arguments);
    u.loaded = 1;
    u.version = "1.0";
    u.queue = [];
    (d = p.createElement(_p)),
      (y = p.getElementsByTagName(_p)[0]),
      (d.async = 1),
      (d.src = h),
      y.parentNode.insertBefore(d, y);
  })(window, document, "script", "");
  aph("init", "b1d1b4fa-0627-4355-0000-d823789f97a6");
  aph("tt", "00BJVJ001SKIVFQVKOP0");