Integrations Issues
Popular integrations issues with description
Common Issues
Are you collecting device identifiers?
On iOS developer must call
method to pass IDFV and IDFA parameters,and
on Android.It is recommended to call these methods right after
method.If IDFA is not yet available on iOS, pass at least IDFV, and call this method again after IDFA was received.
Pending Status
Event is scheduled for sending or is waiting for attribution data, like AppsFlyer ID, Adjust ID, etc. Facebook integration delays every event for 10 minutes due to waiting for IDFA.
Skipped Status
This means event was not send due to one of the following reasons:
- No device found – Could not found device identifiers for given event.
- IDFA restricted - User didn't grant access to IDFA. Check the following.
- too old event - Events that occurred 24 hours earlier than user creation date will be skipped.
- account suspended – Your Apphud account is suspended, all integrations are disabled.
- family shared subscription – Apphud skips family shared subscriptions from integrations.
- anonymous customer – Unable to identify user because it came from Apple Notifications. Cannot send event to integrations because User ID is unknown.
- event disabled - this event is disabled in the integration settings. Check integration settings, and turn on this event if needed.
- missing token - Auth Token is missing in integration settings.
- missing app_id - Application ID is missing in integration settings.
- missing app_id - Application ID is missing in integration settings.
- missing application_id - Application ID is missing in integration settings.
- Apple Search Ads not configured - You must first Configure Apple Search Ads in Apphud > Settings > Search Ads Settings. Having credentials issues? Check this link.
- missing write_key - Write Key is missing in integration settings.
- missing chat id - Incorrectly integrated Telegram. Please check documentation and try again.
TikTok Web2App
- missing pixel id – Pixel ID is missing in integration settings.
- not a matched customer - the customer is outside of the integration environment, i.e. installed the app not from TikTok ad.
- match found, but the ttclid parameter is missing – please check that query parameters are correctly added to the URL.
- missing token – Token is missing.
- missing sandbox app id - Application ID is missing.
- missing app id - Facebook App ID is missing.
- missing client token - Facebook Client token is missing.
- missing IDFA - User didn't grant access to IDFA. Check the following.
Facebook Web2App
- missing pixel id - Pixel ID is missing in integration settings.
- missing client token - Facebook Client Token is missing in integration settings.
- not a matched customer - the customer is outside of the integration environment, i.e. installed the app not from Facebook ad.
- match found, but the fbc parameter is missing - please check that Apphud Script is correctly installed to the landing page.
- missing App ID - App ID is missing in integration settings.
- missing token - Token is missing in integration settings.
- missing Firebase App Instance ID - Analytics Instance ID is missing. Please check that you correctly matched users in your app's code.
- missing Firebase api secret - API Secret is missing in integration settings. Please check documentation about how to get it.
- missing Firebase app id – Firebase App ID is missing in integration settings.
- missing post_api_key – POST API key is missing in integration settings.
- missing application_id – Application ID is missing in integration settings.
- missing the API key - API key is missing in integration settings.
- no device ID supplied - Device Identifiers are missing (at least
on iOS, and callcollectDeviceIdentifiers
on Android)
Server-to-Server webhooks
- HTTP status "0" - A status code of "0" generally means there was no respons from your server.
Updated 5 months ago