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This guide describes how to add and use Apphud SDK to your iOS or macOS app.


Apphud SDK 3.0.0 requires iOS 13.0 and Swift 5. If you need support for earlier iOS versions, consider installing version 2.8.8.

Apphud SDK 2.8.8 requires a minimum of iOS 11.2, Xcode 10 and Swift version 5.0 for iOS, OSX 10.14.4 for macOS.


Apphud SDK can be installed via CocoaPods, Carthage or Swift Package Manager.

Install via CocoaPods

Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ApphudSDK'


Important Note

In Objective-C project make sure use_frameworks! is added in your Podfile.

Install via Carthage

Add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "apphud/ApphudSDK"

And then run in the Terminal:

carthage update

Install via Swift Package Manager

Add package dependency with the following URL:

Kids Category

Apphud SDK doesn't use the AdSupport framework so it is safe to use SDK for Kids Category apps.

iOS SDK Reference

iOS SDK Reference


App Release Checklist

To minimize the risk of mistakes during setup and avoid the need for app resubmission, please read the App Release Checklist carefully.

What’s Next

Learn how to initialize SDK and manage purchases