MRR Movement
MRR Movement chart displays the changes in Monthly Recurring proceeds Revenue (MRR) over time.
MRR Movement consists of New MRR (Green Color) and Churned MRR (Pink Color) and calculated based on Proceeds revenue (after commission, refunds and taxes).
New MRR is new subscriptions, reactivations and upgrades. In other words, this is everything, that adds the new recurrent revenue.
Churned MRR is a lost recurring revenue from expired subscriptions, downgrades. This is everything, that deducts from the recurrent revenue.
MRR movement chart is critical for understanding the dynamics of recurring revenue in a subscription-based business model. By breaking down revenue changes into their constituent parts, companies can gain valuable insights into their growth drivers and potential areas of concern. This leads to better-informed strategic decisions and helps in optimizing revenue streams.
Based On Proceeds Metric
For you convenience, our MRR chart is calculated on Proceeds.

Updated 8 months ago